Hemsworth To Be Interviewed On Stars of PR Radio

by Brian Hemsworth | April 11, 2012 12:47 pm

Brian Hemsworth, contributor to Southern California Professional Magazine will be interviewed by Cindy Rakowitz Thursday  on the Stars of PR radio show. They’ll be discussing the magazine, marketing, and a whole bunch of related topics.

Cindy is the CEO of Blackman Rakowitz Public Relations, and is  a highly respected, award- winning executive with years of experience in crisis management, branding and marketing. Rakowitz contributes as an expert analyst to several news organizations. She is the co-author of the new book Emergency Public Relations, Crisis Management in a 3.0 World and is currently enjoying her speaking tour.

The show is broadcast live at 7:00 am Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica internet radio. Click here for more info: http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/971/stars-of-pr.

Source URL: http://www.socalprofessional.com/2012/04/hemsworth-to-be-interviewed-on-stars-of-pr-radio/