We’ve Added Video!

by Jerri Hemsworth | August 1, 2017 4:27 pm

So, if you missed our last post, SoCalProfessional is now actively updating the website and our social media with video! Our goal is to shoot video of each contributor talking about key issues from their most recent submission.

Why video? To some, that may seem like a dumb question, but’s not. In some professional circles, video is what used car salesmen do. It’s what schlocky ambulance chasers use. And it’s what millennials use, not professionals.

According to MWP Digital Media, 55% of people watch videos online everyday.

According to Tubular Insights, 54% of senior executives share work related videos with colleagues weekly.

And according to Wistia, people spend on average 2.6X more time on pages with video than without it.

So, Mr. DeMille, we’re ready for our closeup!


Source URL: http://www.socalprofessional.com/2017/08/weve-added-video/